Thank you very much for donating to Japanese Tsunami victims on 10/19's Kizuna - Emi Meyer charity concert in Seattle! Here is the letter from Peace Winds America (NPO).
Peace Winds America received $1605 for Emi Meyer's charity concert event.
In addition we sent 23500 yen online on 10/19 and T-shirts selling around $200 for more donation.
Many thank you letter from Tohoku area - amazing! Thank you very much for supporting our project.
We are looking forward meeting you at our next event in April 2012!
Seattleites Help Japan project
Kayoko Fujita
Kizuna - Emi Meyer's Charity Concert in Seattle
2011年3月11日に東日本大震災で引き起こされた津波被害から半年、すでにアメリカのメディアではあまり伝えられなくなりました。しかし日本復興支援活動は未だに必要とされています。私達はここアメリカ、シアトル(海外)からできる限りのことをしたいという有志とともに東北が復興するときまで 「Seattleites Help Japan 」プロジェクトを介して、周りの人々に忘れないようにメッセージを伝えていこうと思っております。第三回目のチャリティイベントではアメリカで活躍中のエミマイヤーさんを、シアトルの会員制クラブ:コロンビアタワークラブにてお迎えします。地球友の会のご協力で( UNEP(国連環境計画)からの写真も展示される予定です。
Photo at 10/19's event!
Click Here! Kizuna Emi Meyer's Charity concert photo:
- 10/19 エミマイヤーチャリティコンサート '絆' をニコニコ動画で放映し、31500人以上の視聴者を記録しました。
More than 31,500 people online at【日本語版】
JEN, Youmaga (Japanese magazine for the greater Seattle and Portland areas)
- シアトルから被災地に届けるエミ・マイヤー・チャリティー・コンサート
Emi Meyer Charity concert from Seattle to Tohoku
北米報知- 東日本大震災復興支援活動 - エミ・マイヤーさんがチャリティー公演
Please contact the photographer directly at info@rikafoto.comif you are interested in purchasing or using the images. All the rights are reserved and the images are copyrighted by Rika Manabe Photography.
- 10/19 エミマイヤーチャリティコンサート '絆' をニコニコ動画で放映し、31500人以上の視聴者を記録しました。
More than 31,500 people online at【日本語版】
JEN, Youmaga (Japanese magazine for the greater Seattle and Portland areas)
- シアトルから被災地に届けるエミ・マイヤー・チャリティー・コンサート
Emi Meyer Charity concert from Seattle to Tohoku
北米報知- 東日本大震災復興支援活動 - エミ・マイヤーさんがチャリティー公演
ありがとうございました!Thank you very much!
Dear guests of Seattleites Help Japan project!
Thank you very much for coming to “Kizuna - Emi Meyer's event on 10/19” at Columbia Tower Club. It was a pleasure meeting all of you and thank you very much especially for our guests at Columbia Tower Club and sponsors: Emi Meyer, Masanori (Bass) and Motoki (drums)., James Spahn, and Andrea Nakano from KING5 News, Patrick Schmitt from Peace Winds America and our volunteer members of Seattleites Help Japan project! I've received some inquiries for the donation site (English: (Japanese Peace Winds Japan: and great message from Tohoku area who watched the niconico streaming!!
Seven months have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck Japan on March 11. Although media coverage in the United States has dwindled, the recovery effort in Japan is expected to take at least five years, and many question marks still remain, including the future surrounding the nuclear accident in Fukushima Prefecture. The volunteers of the Seattleites Help Japan project stand committed to getting the message out to friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and local communities in and around Seattle that help is still needed in the Tohoku region. Here is the report from Peace Winds America for helping Japan at (English: (Japanese Peace Winds Japan: They will continue to accept your donation.
Results:Sold 10 T-shirts on 10/19: $200!
Cash donation on 10/19-11/5: $1605! (Silent auction of Omakase dinner/Umami Kushi/Emi-san's CD's donation/wine) The cash will go to and check to Peace Winds America.
Total donation: $1805 + 23,500 Yen!
Many thank you mail/comments from our guests/online and's guests, including from Tohoku area: $Priceless! and inquiries about donation site of Peace Winds America!!
Seattleites Help Japan presents:
Thank you very much for helping our project on 10/19!
EMI Meyer: Download Free music at:
Mariko Mitsui (John L Scott)
Kagoshima Osumi Jazz Street
Setsuko Pastry:
Kappo Tamura:
Rika Manabe Photography:
Ben & Franklin:
Nature's Harvest at Uwajimaya in Seattle and Bellevue
Organizer: Kayoko Fujita
Advisers: Yoshi Minegishi, Ron Hosogi, Hideo Makihara
NicoNico team/UNEP panel/decoration: Akemi Ikeda
Flyer/Designer: Musumi Kokubo
Sound Engineer: Bradly Laina
Photo: Rika Manabe
Video: Brian Chu
Editor: Noriko Huntsinger
UW, JSA: Mariko Oshiba
Finally Kizuna - Emi Meyer's event on 10/19 at Columbia Tower Club event at and's live show. Premier members of the can see the archived event film!
Kayoko Fujita
Seattleites Help Japan
FYI: Here is the information about the Disaster Supply kit workshop, presented by City of Seattle!
City of Seattle presents:Disaster Supply kit workshop!
October 29th, from 1pm to 2pm.
Place: Ballard Branch Library
5614 22nd Ave. NW,
Seattle WA 98107
Details: :
東日本大震災で引き起こされた津波被害から半年、すでにアメリカのメディアではあまり伝えられなくなりました。しかし復興支援活動は今も、これからも必要とされています。私達はアメリカ、シアトル(海外)から、有志とともに東北が復興するときまで 「Seattleites Help Japan 」プロジェクトを介して、可能な限りメッセージを伝えていこうと思っております。今回エミマイヤーさんの素晴らしいコンサートとともに、復興支援活動のメッセージを皆様とシアトルから、そして、ニコニコ動画様のサービスを介しまして東北地方の方々をはじめ世界中に伝えることができたことは大変光栄です。
Seattleites Help Japan (シアトライツヘルプジャパンプロジェクト)
Thank you very much for coming to “Kizuna - Emi Meyer's event on 10/19” at Columbia Tower Club. It was a pleasure meeting all of you and thank you very much especially for our guests at Columbia Tower Club and sponsors: Emi Meyer, Masanori (Bass) and Motoki (drums)., James Spahn, and Andrea Nakano from KING5 News, Patrick Schmitt from Peace Winds America and our volunteer members of Seattleites Help Japan project! I've received some inquiries for the donation site (English: (Japanese Peace Winds Japan: and great message from Tohoku area who watched the niconico streaming!!
Seven months have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck Japan on March 11. Although media coverage in the United States has dwindled, the recovery effort in Japan is expected to take at least five years, and many question marks still remain, including the future surrounding the nuclear accident in Fukushima Prefecture. The volunteers of the Seattleites Help Japan project stand committed to getting the message out to friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and local communities in and around Seattle that help is still needed in the Tohoku region. Here is the report from Peace Winds America for helping Japan at (English: (Japanese Peace Winds Japan: They will continue to accept your donation.
Results:Sold 10 T-shirts on 10/19: $200!
Cash donation on 10/19-11/5: $1605! (Silent auction of Omakase dinner/Umami Kushi/Emi-san's CD's donation/wine) The cash will go to and check to Peace Winds America.
Total donation: $1805 + 23,500 Yen!
Many thank you mail/comments from our guests/online and's guests, including from Tohoku area: $Priceless! and inquiries about donation site of Peace Winds America!!
Seattleites Help Japan presents:
Thank you very much for helping our project on 10/19!
EMI Meyer: Download Free music at:
Mariko Mitsui (John L Scott)
Kagoshima Osumi Jazz Street
Setsuko Pastry:
Kappo Tamura:
Rika Manabe Photography:
Ben & Franklin:
Nature's Harvest at Uwajimaya in Seattle and Bellevue
Organizer: Kayoko Fujita
Advisers: Yoshi Minegishi, Ron Hosogi, Hideo Makihara
NicoNico team/UNEP panel/decoration: Akemi Ikeda
Flyer/Designer: Musumi Kokubo
Sound Engineer: Bradly Laina
Photo: Rika Manabe
Video: Brian Chu
Editor: Noriko Huntsinger
UW, JSA: Mariko Oshiba
Finally Kizuna - Emi Meyer's event on 10/19 at Columbia Tower Club event at and's live show. Premier members of the can see the archived event film!
Kayoko Fujita
Seattleites Help Japan
FYI: Here is the information about the Disaster Supply kit workshop, presented by City of Seattle!
City of Seattle presents:Disaster Supply kit workshop!
October 29th, from 1pm to 2pm.
Place: Ballard Branch Library
5614 22nd Ave. NW,
Seattle WA 98107
Details: :
東日本大震災で引き起こされた津波被害から半年、すでにアメリカのメディアではあまり伝えられなくなりました。しかし復興支援活動は今も、これからも必要とされています。私達はアメリカ、シアトル(海外)から、有志とともに東北が復興するときまで 「Seattleites Help Japan 」プロジェクトを介して、可能な限りメッセージを伝えていこうと思っております。今回エミマイヤーさんの素晴らしいコンサートとともに、復興支援活動のメッセージを皆様とシアトルから、そして、ニコニコ動画様のサービスを介しまして東北地方の方々をはじめ世界中に伝えることができたことは大変光栄です。
Seattleites Help Japan (シアトライツヘルプジャパンプロジェクト)
Kizuna - Emi Meyer's Charity Concert in Seattle
Kizuna - Emi Meyer's Charity Concert 10.19 (WED) $40- Ticket site
at Columbia Tower Club 76 floor
701 5th Ave Ste 7500, Seattle Open 6:30-
Street parking or Underground parking ($9)
Collared shirt and slacks recommended in the Columbia Tower Club
Light meal/Desert/Coffee/DRY soda and One glass of wine included
$55 for 10/19's ticket (当日券)
Raffle prizes include: Local wines, Movie tickets, Restaurant gift certificate and more! DRY Soda will provide some soda at the venue. Nature's Harvest at Uwajimaya will provide gift for all our guests.
All money (except for the event cost) goes to NPO such as Peace Winds America.
Donation result will be announced at the blog after the event.
Thank you very much for your support!
エミマイヤー:(English site)アメリカを拠点に活動するシンガー・ソングライター。日本人の母親とアメリカ人の父親の間に京都で生まれ、1才になる前にアメリカのシアトルに移住。幼い頃よりクラシック・ピアノを学び友人と共演したいとの理由でジャズ・ピアノも学ぶ。18才で曲を書き出し、L.A.と東京でヴォーカリストとしての活動を始める。07年にシアトルー神戸ジャズ・ボーカリスト・コンペティションで優勝。その後、Jazztronikをはじめ国内外の著名アーティストと共演を重ね、フジロックなど各地の大型フェスにも出演。その歌声と存在感で多くの聴衆を魅了している。09年リリースされたデビューアルバム「キュリアス・クリーチャー」は iTunes Storeや多くのCDショップのJAZZ チャートで首位を獲得。iTunes StoreではJAZZカテゴリーの年間ベスト・ニュー・アーティストにも選ばれた。2010年にShingo Annen(Shing02)との共作となる全曲日本語詞の 2nd Album「パスポート」をリリース。数々のCM(キリンビバレッジ「午後の紅茶 アジアンストレート<無糖>」やアヲハタ55ジャムなど多数)でもその歌声を聞くことができる。
2011年3月からオンエアされているキューピーライトのCMでエミ・マイヤーがオリジナル曲「lol」を唄っています。(lol= Laugh out loud)
at Columbia Tower Club 76 floor
701 5th Ave Ste 7500, Seattle Open 6:30-
Street parking or Underground parking ($9)
Collared shirt and slacks recommended in the Columbia Tower Club
Light meal/Desert/Coffee/DRY soda and One glass of wine included
Designer : Mutsumi Kokubo
$40 pre-sales, Ticket site $55 for 10/19's ticket (当日券)
Raffle prizes include: Local wines, Movie tickets, Restaurant gift certificate and more! DRY Soda will provide some soda at the venue. Nature's Harvest at Uwajimaya will provide gift for all our guests.
All money (except for the event cost) goes to NPO such as Peace Winds America.
Donation result will be announced at the blog after the event.
Thank you very much for your support!
2011年3月からオンエアされているキューピーライトのCMでエミ・マイヤーがオリジナル曲「lol」を唄っています。(lol= Laugh out loud)
From bio of Emi Meyer
Emi Meyer is a celebrated enigma. Multicultural, genre-defying and always on the move, she is accustomed to a lot of hyphens when others describe her multifaceted life and music. Born in Kyoto Japan and raised in Seattle, her bi-cultural heritage has clearly shaped the unique jazz-inspired pop sound heard on her three albums – one of which is entirely in Japanese. Her latest English language album, Suitcase of Stones, will be released digitally on iTunes and Amazon on May 24th.
Meyer began her musical career early in life, starting with classical piano at the age of six and eventually expanding to jazz for the spontaneity it offered. It was her jazz background that paved the way for her win at the Seattle-Kobe Jazz Vocalist Competition – a contest between the sister cities of Seattle Washington and Kobe Japan – in 2007. The result of this win was the first of many performances in Japan, where Emi has enjoyed a great deal of success, and she credits the competition with giving her the courage to ultimately pursue her musical ambitions.
With the release of her first album, Curious Creature, Emi was invited to perform at the legendary Sundance Film Festival and shot to #1 on the Japanese jazz charts after her single – Room Blue – was chosen "Single of the Week" on iTunes. She continued to evolve as an artist and broaden her concept of songwriting with her second album, Passport, written solely in Japanese. The record established Meyer as a musical force in Japan and landed her as the opening act for the Japanese tour of French-Israeli singer-songwriter Yael Naem – known in America for her song New Soul, which was used in Apple's MacBook Air commercials and peaked at #7 on the Billboard Hot 100. Emi Meyer's sound is a refreshingly unique blend of jazz, pop, soul and so much more that is not often found in today's world of filters and autotune. Powerful lyrics are carried effortlessly along by her signature melodies with the confidence of a modern female vocalist. Her latest work, the aptly named Suitcase of Stones, brings her full circle with her return to the English language and unites the light-heartedness of traveling with the solemnity of memory in a way that only she can convey.
Fresh from a string of charity concerts to support the country that has given her so much, the lyrics from Emi's song Yesterday's Rain ring truer than ever before - "And so we move on to today, trees grow from yesterday's rain." An artist in every sense of the word, Emi Meyer is poised to win the hearts of America and continue blazing new trails on her musical journey with the release of Suitcase of Stones.
-----------About Seattleites Help Japan Project--------------
Founded by Kayoko Fujita, Rika Manabe, Akemi Ikeda after the March 11, 2011.

Organizer for 10/19's event: Kayoko Fujita
Advisers & Volunteers: Yoshi Minegishi, Ron Hosogi, Hideo Makihara, Akemi Ikeda, Rika Manabe, Mutsumi Kokubo, Noriko Huntsinger, John Owens, Brian Chu
NTTドコモ キッズケータイ<HW-02C>のCMでエミ・マイヤーが「コドモダケのうた」を唄っています。
服部将典(はっとりまさのり) Bass 1979年 日本愛知県生まれ。東京を拠点にジャンルを問わず様々なバンドやシンガーと演奏活動を行っている。
服部将典(はっとりまさのり) Bass 1979年 日本愛知県生まれ。東京を拠点にジャンルを問わず様々なバンドやシンガーと演奏活動を行っている。
山口元輝(やまぐちもとき) Drums ジャズやヒップホップ、またさまざまなアコースティック音楽やノイズの演奏も行うミュージシャン・ドラマー。さまざまなシーンにおいてライブや録音に参加している。
Emi Meyer is a celebrated enigma. Multicultural, genre-defying and always on the move, she is accustomed to a lot of hyphens when others describe her multifaceted life and music. Born in Kyoto Japan and raised in Seattle, her bi-cultural heritage has clearly shaped the unique jazz-inspired pop sound heard on her three albums – one of which is entirely in Japanese. Her latest English language album, Suitcase of Stones, will be released digitally on iTunes and Amazon on May 24th.
Meyer began her musical career early in life, starting with classical piano at the age of six and eventually expanding to jazz for the spontaneity it offered. It was her jazz background that paved the way for her win at the Seattle-Kobe Jazz Vocalist Competition – a contest between the sister cities of Seattle Washington and Kobe Japan – in 2007. The result of this win was the first of many performances in Japan, where Emi has enjoyed a great deal of success, and she credits the competition with giving her the courage to ultimately pursue her musical ambitions.
With the release of her first album, Curious Creature, Emi was invited to perform at the legendary Sundance Film Festival and shot to #1 on the Japanese jazz charts after her single – Room Blue – was chosen "Single of the Week" on iTunes. She continued to evolve as an artist and broaden her concept of songwriting with her second album, Passport, written solely in Japanese. The record established Meyer as a musical force in Japan and landed her as the opening act for the Japanese tour of French-Israeli singer-songwriter Yael Naem – known in America for her song New Soul, which was used in Apple's MacBook Air commercials and peaked at #7 on the Billboard Hot 100. Emi Meyer's sound is a refreshingly unique blend of jazz, pop, soul and so much more that is not often found in today's world of filters and autotune. Powerful lyrics are carried effortlessly along by her signature melodies with the confidence of a modern female vocalist. Her latest work, the aptly named Suitcase of Stones, brings her full circle with her return to the English language and unites the light-heartedness of traveling with the solemnity of memory in a way that only she can convey.
Fresh from a string of charity concerts to support the country that has given her so much, the lyrics from Emi's song Yesterday's Rain ring truer than ever before - "And so we move on to today, trees grow from yesterday's rain." An artist in every sense of the word, Emi Meyer is poised to win the hearts of America and continue blazing new trails on her musical journey with the release of Suitcase of Stones.
-----------About Seattleites Help Japan Project--------------
Founded by Kayoko Fujita, Rika Manabe, Akemi Ikeda after the March 11, 2011.
Organizer for 10/19's event: Kayoko Fujita
Advisers & Volunteers: Yoshi Minegishi, Ron Hosogi, Hideo Makihara, Akemi Ikeda, Rika Manabe, Mutsumi Kokubo, Noriko Huntsinger, John Owens, Brian Chu
Emi Meyer (エミマイヤー) will join us on 10/19!
Seattleites Help Japan project, Kizuna
Benefit Concert of Emi Meyer (Jazz musician in Japan and US)
Benefit Concert of Emi Meyer (Jazz musician in Japan and US)
September 5, 2011
Dear Seattleites Help Japan Friend,
The Seattleites Help Japan project celebrates its 3rd charity event, ‘Kizuna’ on October 19th, 2011. We deeply appreciate your past support of the project and we hope that we can count on your continued support. There are three ways that you can help:
- Becoming a Sponsor
- Donating a Product or Service : Please email
- Attending the Event : Please buy the ticket online for 10/19
Seattleites Help Japan had two successful fundraising events for Japanese Tsunami victims at WINEWORLD ( We rely on the generous support of business and individual who contribute through donations and sponsorships to supplement our budget, allowing us to give the donations to Japanese NPO though Peace Winds America , World Vision, and other NPO who can help Japan Tsunami victims such as
We welcome Jazz pop singer, Emi Meyer (, volunteered her time on our benefit concert on 10/19. Her music has garnered her several accolades, and she's a top artist on the indie scene. It only fits that she would create her own expression. Her music spans borders and channels an old soul gained from clearing her own place. Meyer has made a splash on the music scene in the Pacific Northwest for years, and she's already poised for a worldwide takeover thanks to her smooth musical sound and innovative style. Meyer is a top seller of concert tickets in the jazz genre, and she will soon be performing in venues around the country. She has been an acclaimed musician ever since, and her musical flavors have been introduced to audiences all over the world.
In partnering with us you will be joining many distinguished businesses, organizations and individuals who support Seattleites Help Japan project by contributing products, services and sponsorships. We recognize our supporters through acknowledgements in our auction list, which is read by several hundred supporters and auction attendees in Seattle. In addition, our supporters will be acknowledged on the event website and ticketing sites:
Thank you for taking the time to consider this request and we hope that you will choose to support our efforts by becoming a sponsor or making a donation. Please use the enclosed donation form to indicate how you would like to contribute to our Kizuna Benefit concert and silent auction. We thank you for your consideration and support.
Kayoko Fujita
Founder of Seattleites Help Japan project
Founder of Seattleites Help Japan project
About Seattleites Help Japan
- 2011年3月11日、東日本大震災は観測史上最大となる9.0の規模でした。大地震、津波被害、想像を絶する出来事がニュース上の画像に現れた時呆然としました。子供のオムツやミルクが足りない、安全な水が足りないと聞くのは非常に胸が痛みました。生まれ育った日本のためにできることはないか、ここシアトルで少しでも日本の方々の役にたちたいと考え,義援金集めのチャリティオークションイベントを2011年3月24日と2011年4月14日に行いました。 イベントで集められた義援金は初期支援として、日本で15年以上非営利団体として活動を続けていて震災発生以来現地にて救援活動を行っている、ピースウィンズジャパンの姉妹団体、Peace Winds America (NPO/NGO) をはじめ子供へのサポートに積極的なWorld Vision (NPO/NGO)などに寄付させていただきました。
- そして東日本大震災で引き起こされた津波被害から半年、すでにアメリカのメディアではあまり伝えられなくなりました。しかし日本復興支援活動は未だに必要とされています。私達はここアメリカ、シアトル(海外)からできる限りのことをしたいという有志とともに東北が復興するときまで 「Seattleites Help Japan 」プロジェクトを介して、周りの人々に忘れないようにメッセージを伝えていこうと思っております。第三回目のチャリティイベントではアメリカで活躍中のエミマイヤーさんを、シアトルの会員制クラブ:コロンビアタワークラブにてお迎えします。地球友の会のご協力で( UNEP(国連環境計画)からの写真も展示される予定です。このイベントの詳細についてはをご覧ください。今後もチャリティイベントの他、復興支援の一環として長期的に何ができるか考えていきます。 シアトル、シアトル近郊に住む趣旨にご賛同いただける方々、是非 にご連絡ください。
- ご協力をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
- Seattleites Help Japan (プロジェクト代表藤田佳予子
On March 11, 2011 Japan was struck by the Great East Japan Earthquake—the largest earthquake in its recorded history. I found myself speechless at the images showed on the news of the utter devastation brought about by the earthquake and ensuing tsunami. As a mother of two, it also pained me to hear that there were shortages of diapers and milk. I thought to myself: what can I do to help my homeland of Japan? I wanted to make some type of contribution to the recovery effort from here in Seattle and decided to organize two charity auction events—one on March 24 and the other on April 14. Nearly 300 people attended these events and donated some US$13,000 to non-profit organizations such as Peace Winds America and World Vision, which are providing support particularly to children.Six months have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck Japan on March 11.
- Although media coverage in the United States has dwindled, the recovery effort in Japan is expected to take at least five years, and many question marks still remain, including the future surrounding the nuclear accident in Fukushima Prefecture. The volunteers of the Seattleites Help Japan project stand committed to getting the message out to friends, family, co-workers, neighbours and local communities in and around Seattle that help is still needed in the Tohoku region. In our third charity event, we hope you will join us for a performance by celebrated jazz musician Emi Meyer in downtown Seattle at the Columbia Tower Club, home to one of the most spectacular views in the city. The event will also include an exhibition of photographs from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which was arranged with the assistance of Associates of the Earth (AOE;, a public interest incorporated foundation in Japan.
- Seattleites Help Japan projectKayoko Fujita
Japanese to English translation : John Owens :
投稿 (Atom)