Kizuna - Emi Meyer's Charity Concert in Seattle

Kizuna - Emi Meyer's Charity Concert 10.19 (WED) $40- Ticket site 
at Columbia Tower Club 76 floor
701 5th Ave Ste 7500, Seattle Open 6:30-
Street parking or Underground parking ($9)
Collared shirt and slacks recommended in the Columbia Tower Club
Light meal/Desert/Coffee/DRY soda and One glass of wine included

Designer : Mutsumi Kokubo
$40 pre-sales, Ticket site 
$55 for 10/19's ticket (当日券)

Raffle prizes include: Local wines, Movie tickets, Restaurant gift certificate and more! DRY Soda will provide some soda at the venue. Nature's Harvest at Uwajimaya will provide gift for all our guests.

All money (except for the event cost) goes to NPO such as Peace Winds America.
Donation result will be announced at the blog after the event.

Thank you very much for your support!

エミマイヤー:(English site)アメリカを拠点に活動するシンガー・ソングライター。日本人の母親とアメリカ人の父親の間に京都で生まれ、1才になる前にアメリカのシアトルに移住。幼い頃よりクラシック・ピアノを学び友人と共演したいとの理由でジャズ・ピアノも学ぶ。18才で曲を書き出し、L.A.と東京でヴォーカリストとしての活動を始める。07年にシアトルー神戸ジャズ・ボーカリスト・コンペティションで優勝。その後、Jazztronikをはじめ国内外の著名アーティストと共演を重ね、フジロックなど各地の大型フェスにも出演。その歌声と存在感で多くの聴衆を魅了している。09年リリースされたデビューアルバム「キュリアス・クリーチャー」は iTunes Storeや多くのCDショップのJAZZ チャートで首位を獲得。iTunes StoreではJAZZカテゴリーの年間ベスト・ニュー・アーティストにも選ばれた。2010年にShingo Annen(Shing02)との共作となる全曲日本語詞の 2nd Album「パスポート」をリリース。数々のCM(キリンビバレッジ「午後の紅茶 アジアンストレート<無糖>」やアヲハタ55ジャムなど多数)でもその歌声を聞くことができる。

 2011年3月からオンエアされているキューピーライトのCMでエミ・マイヤーがオリジナル曲「lol」を唄っています。(lol= Laugh out loud)

NTTドコモ キッズケータイ<HW-02C>のCMでエミ・マイヤーが「コドモダケのうた」を唄っています。

服部将典(はっとりまさのり) Bass  1979年 日本愛知県生まれ。東京を拠点にジャンルを問わず様々なバンドやシンガーと演奏活動を行っている。

 山口元輝(やまぐちもとき) Drums  ジャズやヒップホップ、またさまざまなアコースティック音楽やノイズの演奏も行うミュージシャン・ドラマー。さまざまなシーンにおいてライブや録音に参加している。

From bio of Emi Meyer 
Emi Meyer is a celebrated enigma. Multicultural, genre-defying and always on the move, she is accustomed to a lot of hyphens when others describe her multifaceted life and music. Born in Kyoto Japan and raised in Seattle, her bi-cultural heritage has clearly shaped the unique jazz-inspired pop sound heard on her three albums – one of which is entirely in Japanese. Her latest English language album, Suitcase of Stones, will be released digitally on iTunes and Amazon on May 24th.
Meyer began her musical career early in life, starting with classical piano at the age of six and eventually expanding to jazz for the spontaneity it offered. It was her jazz background that paved the way for her win at the Seattle-Kobe Jazz Vocalist Competition – a contest between the sister cities of Seattle Washington and Kobe Japan – in 2007. The result of this win was the first of many performances in Japan, where Emi has enjoyed a great deal of success, and she credits the competition with giving her the courage to ultimately pursue her musical ambitions.
With the release of her first album, Curious Creature, Emi was invited to perform at the legendary Sundance Film Festival and shot to #1 on the Japanese jazz charts after her single – Room Blue – was chosen "Single of the Week" on iTunes. She continued to evolve as an artist and broaden her concept of songwriting with her second album, Passport, written solely in Japanese. The record established Meyer as a musical force in Japan and landed her as the opening act for the Japanese tour of French-Israeli singer-songwriter Yael Naem – known in America for her song New Soul, which was used in Apple's MacBook Air commercials and peaked at #7 on the Billboard Hot 100. Emi Meyer's sound is a refreshingly unique blend of jazz, pop, soul and so much more that is not often found in today's world of filters and autotune. Powerful lyrics are carried effortlessly along by her signature melodies with the confidence of a modern female vocalist. Her latest work, the aptly named Suitcase of Stones, brings her full circle with her return to the English language and unites the light-heartedness of traveling with the solemnity of memory in a way that only she can convey.
Fresh from a string of charity concerts to support the country that has given her so much, the lyrics from Emi's song Yesterday's Rain ring truer than ever before - "And so we move on to today, trees grow from yesterday's rain." An artist in every sense of the word, Emi Meyer is poised to win the hearts of America and continue blazing new trails on her musical journey with the release of Suitcase of Stones.

-----------About Seattleites Help Japan Project--------------
Founded by Kayoko Fujita, Rika Manabe, Akemi Ikeda after the March 11, 2011.
Organizer for 10/19's event: Kayoko Fujita
Advisers & Volunteers: Yoshi Minegishi, Ron Hosogi, Hideo Makihara, Akemi Ikeda, Rika Manabe, Mutsumi Kokubo, Noriko Huntsinger, John Owens, Brian Chu

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